Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lunch with Peter Reich by Christopher Turner

I met Peter Reich for lunch at his home in Massachusetts, two hours outside of Boston. He worked as assistant to the dean of the Harvard Medical School – an unlikely job for someone whose father devoted the last two decades of his life to battling the “pharmaceutical interest.” Peter said, “I’ve spent sixteen years working for the enemy.”

“What my kids don’t understand,” Peter told me as we sat in desk chairs in his garden, “was that people in Reich and my mother’s generation really believed in a better world. It was probably going to look like a Socialist world. It wasn’t going to be Communist, it wasn’t going to be fascist. It was fair and honorable, and sexuality would be a part of that better world. There was a vibrancy and a hope. But that better world didn’t make it and people today don’t know about that.”

When I asked him to describe his father’s obvious charisma, Peter Reich invoked movies. “When Star Wars came out and I saw the scene where Obi-Wan Kenobi tells Luke Skywalker about the Force, I really felt kind of ripped off. And that is the best description. He had that presence that Obi-Wan Kenobi projected and that same belief in that same force.” To Understand Reich, Peter told me, you have to understand how he modeled his life on the films he saw.

“He thought the movies were about him, and maybe they were. You see. It’s hard to know where the circle starts. For example, High Noon, he was really into High Noon, and Bad Day at Black Rock. And this is why he wore a cowboy hat: he was Gary Cooper. And when the FDA came up to see him at Organon, he was just like Spencer Tracy. He’d say, ‘Listen, mister’ –he used that language. That was really part of his American persona, the movie person. He didn’t make a distinction between that and real life.

“He could put his hands on you, and he was a healer, he really was. And I think he felt he could heal the world, because his cloud-busters really seemed to work. So he really felt he was in control of everything. And he didn’t understand who other people didn’t see that. He shared the moral certainty that Gary Cooper had in High Noon and Spencer Tracy had in Bad Day at Black Rock, and that Sir Thomas More had in A Man for All Seasons.

I imagine Reich as the Burt Lancaster character in The Rainmaker, a naive showman and energetic charlatan who charms a sexless old maid and then actually drums up a storm. The very idea of orgone energy might be seen as cinematic: in The Blue Light (Das Blaue Licht [1932], a feral Leni Riefenstahl is the guardian of a high altitude cavern that glows an ethereal blue during full moons and lures men to their death in the mountains.

I put it to Peter Reich that in every biography of Reich there seems to be a cut-off point, an eye-rolling threshold after which the biographer considers Reich mad. For the psychoanalysts it was Lucerne; for others it was of his odd inventions, be it the orgone box, the cloudbuster, or the space gun. Even among his devotees, only a very few managed to follow him to the end. A.S. Neil, Reich’s faithful friend since the 1930s, was exasperated when he received a copy of Reich’s new journal, CORE (Cosmic Orgone Engineering), which described the “cloudbusting” experiments. “If I had never heard of Reich and had read CORE for the first time,” he wrote to Reich in January 1955, “I would have concluded the author was either meschugge [mad] or the greatest discoverer in centuries. I can’t follow you…is there anyone that can?”

Peter Reich replied: “Okay, I was on the operation when the blueberry growers paid Reich to make rain in ’54, and it started to rain. I just couldn’t believe it. Another time, this hurricane was heading right towards us and all of a sudden it veered off. You know, I participated in a lot of things that I think really happened. And I don’t know what to make of them. I remember in Arizona, he’s bought this telescope and he was seeing these flying saucers, and I remember looking through the telescope and I didn’t see the thin cigar shape with the little windows [this was how Reich described a UFO to him]. I remember thinking to myself, Well, I don’t know.

That’s where I drew the line, I think, and that was as a ten-year-old boy. But I made it rain, I made the wind come up, I don’t know, I just really don’t know.

“He was a nineteenth-century scientist, he wasn’t a twentieth-century scientist. He didn’t practice science the way scientists do today. He was a nineteenth-century mind who came crashing into twentieth-century America. And boom! The FDA was hot to get a prosecution and he walked right into it. He was sending telegrams to the president of the United States, saying he was stopping hurricanes and claiming that the FDA were Communists. He walked right into it, with his eyes wide open.”

When A Book of Dreams came out in 1973, Peter Reich was criticized for not being able to state clearly whether he now believed in orgone energy or not, though it is precisely this irresolution that makes the book such a compelling read. In 1998, in a preface to a new edition of the book, Peter Reich wrote; “The forty-four-year-old husband and father is a private person to whom this all happened a long time ago. He waits, he watches. A critic once said that Wilhelm Reich had grabbed truth by more than its tail. How much more? Does anybody know? Does Orgone Energy exist? So, yea, the son is still hedging.” Almost twenty years later he is still equivocating; his is an ambivalent, complicated relationship to his father’s ideas and inventions. “Perhaps it is the easy way out,” Peter speculated in his book.” Keeping one foot in the dream – but it is deeper than that. My childhood is the dream.”

“You know, he was like Obi-Wan Kenobi,” he repeated. “He was all there, all the time. He would get drunk –he did have a bad drinking problem. And he beat my mother up. But it’s funny, that doesn’t detract in my mind. He would get drunk because he was so lonely. One by one [his friends] got to the eye-rolling point. They kept peeling off. At a certain point I just think he started spiraling and he knew that it couldn’t go on anymore. [The Yugoslav filmmaker Dusan] Makavejev said that everybody has a blind spot when it comes to Reich, and I think that’s true. But where does the blind spot begin?”
In the posthumously published Contact with Space, Reich wrote:

"On March 25, 1956 at 10PM, a thought of a very remote possibility entered my mind which I fear will never leave me again: Am I a spaceman? Do I belong to a new race on earth, bred by men from outer space in embraces with earth women? Are my children off-spring of the first interplanetary race? Has the melting pot of interplanetary society already been created on our planet, as the melting pot of all earth nations was established in the U.S.A. 190 years ago? Or, is this thought related to things to come in the future? I request my right and privilege to have such thoughts and to ask such questions without being threatened to be jailed by any administrative agency.”


“Hey, man, see that mother with the red nose?
“Yeah, what about him?”
“He’s the Sex Box man!”
“What the hell is the Sex Box man?”
“Whatta you mean – you don’t know? Everyone knows about the Sex Box man. It was in all the papers. He kinda made a big wooden sex coffin, and a guy and a chick would crawl; into it. They’d have to make love for an hour before he’d let them out. It was a big porno raid. Everybody read about it.”


  1. Thank you very much for posting this.


  3. Hi there. Is there any way of getting in touch with Christopher? I have been trying to get in touch with Peter Reich for a book I am working on and I think Christopher might be able to put me in touch. Many thanks Krissy Kneen

  4. the concept of body armoring is now widely accepted in the body work community (hakomi,heler work, rolfing; general structural integration work)) we are on the way to affirming a great deal of what WR worked on. if we have not yet managed to identify orgone energy it does not mean that it is not there.

  5. just finished reading Myron Sharaf's biography of Wilhelm Reich......a moving read.....I'd already put WR up there with Charlie Marx and I know why.....

  6. I have been reading Wilhelm's actual books this year - I am on my fourth - I believe there are 'gold nuggets' right throughout his works - one just needs to collect enough of these to make sense of the picture. One of the most significant things I believe he observed or understood was the concept of the 'ultimate observer' that something cannot be observed without influencing it etc which physicists are still struggling with. I would love to spend time with Wilhelm now at this point in history to learn from his perspective!

  7. I am writing here as it seems you have at least had contact with Peter Reich. I write regarding 'Book of Dreams' which appears on Amazon UK now for pre-order for fulfillment in March 2015. Older secondhand copies are changing hands for around £300. Is there any way to find out if Peter Reich will in fact profit from the sale of this book, or perhaps any way you may be able to interview him again with regard to its re-release? I believe many people are interested in his life and his father's work. I have read a pdf version online of 'Book of Dreams' and it's a beautiful work. I would feel much happier to know his work is not just becoming available again due to someone else unconnected with him picking up the copyright. As it's Peter's work and memories I think it would be good for people to know that buying this book will benefit Peter in some way. I certainly would like to know if that would be the case. Thank you for your article (which I have read many times). I hope you can shed some light on this re-print and I shall keep checking back to see. Kind Regards.

  8. I would have thought that at least, by now, what with the discovery of the Indian concept of Kundalini, and the Chinese concept o Chi energy, that the concept of 'bio-energy", or life force would not be controversial in the slightest. Not every aspect of life can be reduced to quantification. There are certain realities that are unmeasurable outside of the realm of individual experience. Our furnace may be differently designed and engineered than that of our Star, but we all shine on. Every one.

  9. Does this photograph really show Peter Reich or Wilhelm REICH , 'cause they look exactly the same. Mays be Wilhelm is not dead...

  10. For me the "Book of Dreams" is one of the ten or so books I would take to a lonely island. Seems to me the book lets shine a light on life and person of Wilhelm Reich. Peter in the end is the only person to stay with his father and his loyalty is very moving at the same time hurting. As a boy of 11 and 12 years he has to carry a heavy burden - that´s so hurting. But in his inconditional love to his father he is able to stay and that´s so moving.
    In the above article the part with the "thin cigar shape with the windows" is not correct: Peter writes he did see the cigar shape. He only did not see the windows!
    Besides this incorrectness I like the lunch description and information from Peter. Thank you very much!

  11. The inserted paragraph from "contact from space" was written for the review of his sentence by the supreme court, something that was denied, please, understand this within the context in which it was written. This man was not crazy.

  12. I’ll see you in Hell, Wilhelm.;)

  13. Whatever one thinks of WR, he shook up the world in a way that is still being felt today, here, in 21st-century 2018.

    He (his work, and the man) is well worth studying because it seems little by little, what he discovered is slowly being understood.

    People will still be discussing the man and his work in the next century. Of that I am certain.

  14. I have a friend that worked with Peter Reich years ago at a day care. Peter took care of my friend’s little boy. She would love to contact Peter now. Do you know if there is any way to reach Peter today? Thank you.

  15. Paulette Lachance in canadaOctober 15, 2024 at 4:31 PM

    I am reading Fury on Earth bio of Wilhelm Reich by Myron Sharaf. I am beginning to read a book of dreams by Peter Reich. I am so moved and grateful that I have the privilege to begin getting to know Reich and his genius and passing to heal and share his knowledge through his publications. I would love to know more about how Peter Reich or other family members or close friends of Wilhelm Reich are doing and thank them. WR's work led to bioenergetics and later to core energetics through his students Dr Alexander Lowen and dr John Pierrakos and Eva broch pierrrakos. See for Eva's lectures channelled from a guide. Her first lecture was given March 11, 1957 last in 1979. WR died in prison Nov 3, 1957. I am finally finding some healing through the leadership program of the Montreal institute of core energetics, director Aidan Fisher. My FB profile has a picture of women who run with the wolves and of dr martin lutthr King Jr and Thich Nhat Hanh of plum villages. Thanks.
