Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Trifling Matters by Philip Sydney

No doubt a large part of what we do in this life ends up as quite trifling matters- projects, customs, conventions, habits, ceremonies. For example, we spent years obtaining an education the content of which may be accurately perceived as synonymous with water being poured through an open sieve, and then mark its conclusion with solemn ceremony though, in all practicality, at that point one has barely embarked on a long journey only concluded by our passage to another world.

Forsooth, we swear and pledge, honor to obey along this or that stolid line casting ourselves forward into the infinite seas of the Universe, confident vessels of the "divine wisdom of the gods" though perhaps, in truth, more like a dumb rock. Let us hope we do not inadvertently cast ourselves too far from the shore lest we be lost in the darkness forever!

Well, people are entitled to their trifles. God bless them in all their endeavors, what else is there to do? To each his own. Which brings me to the point. Trifle we must, I am most assuredly no exception to the rule but just let it be the trifle I choose, not one or at least not many undertaken at the command of any other. This will help maintain for each at least a modicum of righteous nobility in all our trifles.

As St. Augustine said: "The center of the Universe is everywhere, the circumference nowhere"

"Thus, great with childe to speak, and helpless in my throwes,
Biting my trewand pen, beating myself for spite,
Fool, said my Muse to me, looke in thy heart and write."

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