The economic and political changes in the late 15th
and early 16th centuries produced serious strains in that most
comprehensive of all government institutions, the Christian church. The growing
powers of secular states made compromise inevitable. Economic pressures and
expanding standards of wealth accelerated the scramble for the accumulation of
benefices. The resulting decline in moral and institutional standards was felt
in all parts of the great ecclesiastical organizations, but was most
dramatically apparent at the apex of the system in the papacy itself. To the
long history of opposition to Roman financial extractions and papal control of
appointments was now added an increasing lack of respect for the head of the
church and his immediate court. Never had the gap appeared so wide between the
pretensions of the incumbents of the see of Peter and their actual performance.
The two humanist popes of the mid-fifteenth century, Nicholas V and Pius II,
had maintained a high sense of the responsibilities of their position, and if
their patronage of the new learning had created precedents that in the long run
might be dangerous, yet their pontificates had been free from serious scandals.
Beginning, however, with the pontificate of Sixtus IV in 1471, the decline was
Sixtus IV, born Francisco della Rovere, was the son of a poor and very large
family. He distinguished himself in the Franciscan order and in theological
disputes on the currently debated doctrine of the Immaculate Conception.
Strong, intelligent, ambitious, he embarked on a career of political activity
motivated in part by the desire to provide in a suitably splendid way for his
eleven nephews and two nieces. Melozzo da Forli’s celebrated picture of the
pope receiving Platina, the papal librarian, shows us, symbolically enough,
Sixtus attended by his favorite nephews, whose faces reveal their greed,
complacency, and ruthlessness. It was a family which had ‘arrived.’ During his
pontificate significant steps were taken towards enlarging the papal control of
Romagna, where lordships were created for various nephews. In pursuit of these
political claims the pope his name and position in the Pazzi conspiracy of 1478.
[1479 drawing by Leonardo da Vinci of hanged Pazzi conspirator Bernardo Bandini dei Baroncelli].
The ensuing
war failed to bring him the extensive gains for which he had hoped and when he
died in 1484 he left the inheritance of a papacy increasingly dedicated to its position
as a princely power in Italy. The tone of his court had become more and more
magnificent and an extravagant luxury the common order of high ecclesiastical
life in Rome.
His successor, Giovanni Cibo, who took the title of Innocent VIII, was elected
at a conclave distinguished for the openly political struggle between rival
candidates. He was weak, compliant, undistinguished, and dominated by the
influence of Guiliano della Rovere, who was considered pope in all but name.
Innocent’s pontificate was notable because of the extent to which the pope’s
own children were avowed and openly provided for. His death in 1492 fell at a
critical turning point in Italian political history, but it can hardly be
supposed that if he had continued to live he would have had a very great
influence on the evolution of the system of alliances.
Roderigo Borgia came to the throne in 1492 and took
the name of Alexander VI. He reigned for eleven years. Although many of tye
famous scandals associated with his name and pontificate are highly colored
versions of the truth, yet he has long since ceased to have any serious
defenders. One of the most ambitious and aggressive of all the popes, he
centered his hopes on the position of his family rather than on the institution
which he presumably served. For over a decade his maneuvers, bargains and
shifts of alliance occupied the center of the stage of European diplomacy, but
in the end his favorite son, Caesar, failed to hold the position it had cost so
much to win. This disastrous pontificate marked the lowest point of corruption
and immorality in the Vatican itself.
After the short reign of Pius III, who died less than four weeks after his
election, Guiliano della Rovere at last came to the papal throne as Julius II.
The most famous of Renaissance popes, the ‘papa terrible’ devoted himself to
the enlargement of the states of the church on lines laid down by his
predecessors. By a tremendous effort of energy and will he triumphed over a
series of crisis and lived to see the defeat of the French and the failure of
the attempted Council of Pisa.. He had in a sense delivered the church, but at
the price of opening the way to Spanish domination of the Italian peninsula.
One of the greatest patrons in the whole history of
the arts, Julius commissioned the work of Michelangelo , Bramante and Raphael, Indeed,
the sudden flowering of the style of the High Renaissance in Rome has been attributed
to his personal inspiration. It has been suggested this style was the
appropriate expression of the pontiff’s religious ideals, the product of a sincere
conversion. Whatever the personal religious belief of Julius II and their
relationship to the artistic achievements of his age, there were many contemporaries
who considered the pope’s career and ambitions far removed from Christian
Perhaps no document better illustrates
this aspect of contemporary opinion than the satire Julius Exclusus, attributed to Erasmus. This indictment was
written, if Erasmus was the author, after his return from Italy in 1509 when he
became a member of the circle of Sir Thomas More. Early in his journey in 1506
Erasmus had been at Bologna and had stood in the crowd to watch the pope’s
triumphal entry into the city after its fall. In way the satire may be taken as
a measure of the gulf that divided the northern observer educated in the
atmosphere of the devotio moderna, the very same ideals of the Renaissance papacy.
Although the satires not published until 1514 and was always denied by its
author, it had a rapid circulation and made a profound impression on all who
read it. It was cast in the form of a dialogue between Julius II and Saint
Peter, in which the former, contrary to his expectation, finds himself excluded
from Heaven.
Every resource of the author’s irony is directed to making manifest the
incompatibility between the aims and achievements of this greatest of
Renaissance popes and the ideals of the founder of Christianity. Julius finds
that he is only equipped with the keys to his money box and of his political
power, no with those of the Kingdom of Heaven. Saint Peter refuses to recognize
in the warlike figure with his
magnificent tiara and pallium the representative of the apostolic succession he
had established. The success of this satire, and others like it, is an
indication of the degree to which the prestige of the papacy was declining
among the intellectuals
Julius’s successor, Leo X, the eldest surviving son of Lorenzo de Medici,
brought to their culmination the classical and secular tastes as well as the
religious irresponsibility of the Renaissance papacy. Leo had been brought up
in the most cultivated circles in Italy and had been tutored by Poliziano and
Marsilio Ficino. Surrounded by a brilliant and sophisticated group of humanists
and litterateurs, he was sensitive, pleasure-loving and easygoing. The
interests of the pope and his circle centered on music and the theater –
especially on the comedies of Plautus, on the collection of books, manuscript
and gems, as well as on hunting parties and al fresco lunches accompanied by
classical masques. In the midst of all this the serious business of the papacy
was neglected and it is not surprising that the court was unprepared to meet
the great blow that fell at the end of Leo’s pontificate.
Yet in spite of all this ,the ‘pagan’ atmosphere of the papacy on the eve of
religious revolution has been much exaggerated. The performance of tye comedies
of Plautus did not necessarily mean a rejection of the Christian religion.
Sarpi’s celebrated description of Leo as possessed of all the equalities to
make a perfect pope if he had the slightest interest in religion is unfair. Leo
was the product of the religious thought of the neo-Platonic circle in Florence
and within the terms of this tradition it is probably true that he thought of
himself as entirely a Christian. Yet his
was not a type of Christianity which could be understood or even
tolerated by most of the members of the church over which he presided. What was
needed was a pope who would take a literal and serious\s interest in the need
for reform within the Christian community. This Leo utterly failed to supply.
During the first years of Leo’s pontificate the
fifth Lateran council, originally summoned by Julius II, continued to sit. It
met infrequently and was attended principally by the Italian clergy. The reform
decrees of earlier councils were reaffirmed and solemnly issued by papal bull.
Simony and plurality were condemned, and it was insisted that candidates for
ecclesiastical office should fulfill the canonical; qualifications. But at the
very time when these old formulas were being reiterated, some of the most
important sees in Christendom were being conferred on princely children and the
practice o multiplying great benefices in the hands of a single person had
never been more widespread. The council promulgated some interesting decrees on
usury, condemned current heresies on immortality and managed to settle some of
the longstanding controversies within the Franciscan order. On the whole,
however, its work was negligible in the face of the need which it confronted, and
it perhaps chiefly served to demonstrate that the highest organs of the church
were so caught up in a network of vested interests that only lip service could
be paid to the cause of reform.. Leo X might congratulate himself in 1517 on
the successful conclusion of the council, which was celebrated with ceremonies
of characteristic magnificence, but nothing ha been done to restore the moral
prestige of the papacy or to make a real attack on the whole system of
ecclesiastical abuses. The hour when reform might have met a successful
response was slipping away while Leo enjoyed his pontificate, the last to
preside over a united Christian community.
The question how far and in what ways that community was affected by conditions
in Rome is difficult to answer with any precision. The great majority of
inhabitants of Christendom remained ignorant of the realities of the situation
at the papal court very much as the vast framework of the Roman Empire had been
undisturbed by the corruption of a Nero or a Caligula. The complicated
machinery of the curia’s business continued, and those pious communities and
individuals who received dispensations, indulgences, privileges and
confirmations from even an Alexander VI had little or none of the information
even then being recorded by Roman diarists and diplomats which was to fix the
character of these popes in history.
Even a first hand view of the Renaissance papacy did not always produce a
revolutionary impact on the northern observer. It is extremely doubtful whether
Luther’s visit in 1510 and 1511 gave him the impression he afterwards described. If a serious Augustinian monk on
the business of his order could have returned from an winter in Rome in these
years with only so much sense of shock
as could be recollected later, when it served his purposes, rather than
registered at once, how much less affected must be those who had never made the
Italian journey art all. To subsequent historians the papacy of this period has
become a symbol for all the evils that
afflicted the church universal. Yet to the minds of most men, Rome was
still remote and the papacy remained an institution of final appeal. Unhappily the
very conditions which led to such appeals were the same as those which were
corrupting the church at the center. Secularism, extravagance and immortality
were not confined to Rome but appear at all levels of the hierarchy and in all
parts of the Christian world.
Chapter 6 Part One; The World of Humanism
1453-1517 by Myron P. Gilmore