The Economist is a
business magazine that keenly supports capitalism, deregulation and
privatization of the economy and is usually unsympathetic towards large public
sectors, labor unions, or anything that smacks of socialism. [ My brother buys
me a subscription to this magazine so I am quite familiar with how apparently
ignorant and narrow their point of view often is.] But every year it produces a
highly acclaimed Democracy Index, which ranks all nations of the world on the
basis of how democratic they are. In 2011 only twenty-five nations qualified as
democratic. The criteria are: electoral process and pluralism, functioning of
government, political participation, political culture, and civil liberties.
The United States ranks nineteenth by these criteria.
Most of the eighteen nations ranking higher than the U.S.
had government media subsidies on a per capital basis at least ten or twenty
times that of the United States. The top four nations on the list, the most
democratic- Norway ($130 per capita public funding of non-commercial media), Iceland
($45), Denmark ($109) and Sweden ($104) include two of the top three per
capital media subsidizers in the world, and the other two are dramatically
ahead of the United States ($1.42).
These are the freest, most democratic nations on earth
according to The Economist, and they
all have perfect or near-perfect scores on civil liberties. The United States is tied for the lowest
civil liberties score among the twenty-five democracies, and on this issues
trails twenty nations described as “flawed democracies" in The Economist’s rankings.
Although all of the Democracy Index criteria implicitly
depend to a large extent upon having a strong press system – the report
specifically discusses press freedom as a crucial indicator of democracy –freedom
of the press itself is not one of the six measured variables. Fortunately,
there is a more direct source on press freedom. The Democracy Index can be
supplemented with the research of Freedom House, an American organization
created in the 1940s to oppose totalitarianism of the left and right, which
with the coming of the Cold War emphasized the threat of left-wing governments
to freedom. Freedom House is very much
an establishment organization, with close ties to prominent American political
and economic personages. Every year it
ranks the nations of the world on the basis of how free and effective their
press systems are. Its research is
detailed and sophisticated, particularly concerned with any government meddling
whatsoever with private news media.
For that reason, all communist nations tend to rank in a virtual tie for
dead last as having the least free press systems in the world. Freedom House is second to none when it comes
to having sensitive antennae to detect government meddling with the existence
or prerogatives of private news media.
Freedom House hardly favors the home team. In 2011 it ranked
the United States as being tied with the Czech Republic as having the
twenty-second freest press system in the world. America is ranked so low
because of failures to protect sources and because of the massive economic
cutbacks in the newsroom (e.g. the number of paid journalists working for all
media is down 40-50% since 1980).
Freedom House’s list is dominated by the democratic nations
with the very largest per capita journalism subsidies in the world. The top nations listed by Freedom House are
the same nations that top The Economists
Democracy Index, and all rank among the top per capita press subsidizers in the
world. In fact, the lists match to a remarkable extent. That should be no surprise, as one would expect the nations
with the freest and best press systems to rank as the most democratic nations .What
is usually missing from the narratives of both The Economist and Freedom House is that the nations with the freest press systems are also the nations that
make the greatest public investment in journalism and therefore provide the
basis for being strong democracies.
One other annual survey supports the Democracy Index and the
Freedom House rankings. Since 2002 Reporters Without Borders has produced a
highly respected annual world press freedom index that ranks all nations in
terms of how freely journalists can go about their work without direct or
indirect attacks. The survey does not address
the quality of journalism, but only how unconstrained journalists journalists
are to cover their communities and beats without violence or harassment. The
United States plummeted to forty-seventh in the world in 2012, largely because
of the mushrooming practice of police arresting and sometimes beating up journalists
who dare to cover and report on public demonstrations. As journalism weakens,
the state has less fear of harassing members of the Fourth Estate, who are seen
as unduly interested in issues the state prefers not to be covered. The dozen
or so nations that scored well above the rest of the world in terms of press
freedom were pretty much the exact same nations that dominated the other lists,
those that have the largest public investments in journalism.
Research also demonstrates that in those democratic nations
with well-funded non-commercial broadcasting systems, political knowledge is
higher than in nations without them and the information gap between the rich and
the poor is much smaller. Public service broadcasters tend to do far more
election campaign reporting than their commercial counterparts. Those nations
with strong public broadcasting have more substantive campaign coverage as well:
news about policy that can help inform citizens about the relative merits of a political
party or particular candidate. The more public support there is for journalism,
the less journalist kow-tow to the government in power.
Consider American journalism as it really exists today in
the almost complete absence of significant public support. Elections are a
farce. Local elections, indeed nearly all non-presidential elections, barely get
any news coverage, and what coverage they do get is generally inane, often
driven by the TV ads and comprised of assessments of PR strategies, gaffes, and
polling results. As for the presidential election, its coverage is as endless
as it is meaningless. Those with the most money to purchase the most ads
dominate the political discourse. Few people have any more ideas about the
candidates or the issues than what they read or hear as a headline, or get from
the PR agents who now generate as much as 85% of news. The logical course for
most people is to opt out, rather than be drowned in a pool of slime, spin, clichés,
and idiocy. Where has “the marketplace of news” left freedom, democracy and governance in this
If the U.S. Federal government subsidized journalism today
at the same level of GDP that it did in the early days of the Republic and
throughout the nineteenth century it would have to invest in the neighborhood
of $30 to $35 billion annually.
As late as 1910, when postmaster Albert Burleson questioned
the need for newspaper and magazine postal subsidies, he was roundly dismissed as someone
who knew little about news industry economics. To Americans of all political
persuasions –and especially to progressive political movements like the
abolitionists, the populists, and the suffragists – even during the most
laissez-faire periods in American history, the necessity of a large public
investment in journalism was a given. Today public broadcasting receives
approximately $1 billion in public support, only a small portion of which goes
to journalism and most of that is provided by State and local governments and
universities, with only about $400 million coming from the federal government.
There is, of course, one group that definitely benefits from
the lack of journalism and information inequality in this country. They do not
wish to have their privileges or affairs examined closely, either in politics
or commerce. The Wall Street banks, energy corporations, health insurance
firms, drug companies, defense contractors, agribusinesses – powerful interests
of all sorts- do not want their operations or their cozy relations with the
government exposed for all to see, nor do the politicians who benefit from these
relationships. These powerful forces oppose anything (whether it be in the form
of tax or telecommunications legislation or rule-making) that would
open and enhance our news media and they aggressively oppose any campaign for
press subsidies like public, non-commercial media or citizenship news vouchers.
Not all wealthy people are content with a world that lacks
democratic journalism. True free-market capitalism would even benefit from a
strong press system. But none of the rich have a material stake in pushing the
cause, so it founders. Our political system
is so corrupt that it is losing the capacity to address problems that threaten
its own existence. Instead, the main issues placed before policy makers are
making what seem like endless cuts in social programs, lower taxes on business
and the wealthy, ignoring environmental protections, increasing “national
security” spending, and corporate deregulation. The hand of unrestrained
capital seems heavier and heavier on the steering wheel of public welfare, taking
us to places farther and farther off the democratic grid.